Wednesday, December 18, 2019

English Final - 1503 Words

Kaitlyn Simpson W0436017 Dr. Gibson English 231-04 Archaic Lore in â€Å"The Horse Dealer’s Daughter† and â€Å"The Dead† Intro: Id texts and subject. Thesis: D.H. Lawerence and James Joyce use archaic lore in their stories â€Å"The Horse Dealers Daughter†, and â€Å"The Dead†. Storytakes place in English midlands, four sibling late 20’s sittng around family home. -- D. H. Lawrence’s stories have the sense that they’re ritualistic; his rough home life. He had a God awful dysfunctional family. His mom and dad were polar opposites which caused them to Fight battle through the kids. In early 20’s he got ill, and diagnosis 100 years ago tuberculosis. It was incurable then. . He knew he was dying therefore he decided he wouldn’t waste what he had. He†¦show more content†¦He restores her to health. She looks into his face and really see’s him, Dr Ferguson. This is when Lawrence lets the audience know that the Dr. felt like her power, or chakra, was going in him and vice versa. He was feeling an energy. He didn’t have the power to leave her and the story states that its like she had some of his power in her hands. She asks does this mean you love me. Her ying is activating his yang.)(pp.2595- 2600) Another archetypal symbol is baptism, and clothing which was defined as your identity or new identity. An example of this is when Lawrence states the doctor goes upstairs looking for clothing. He put some blue collar working man clothes on which is symbolic for becoming a man. She changes into some elegant black dress and is looking beautiful. These both symbolizes a new identity. Almost as if they had saved each other. One of Lawrence’s favorite myths is that of Persephone, Demeter, and Dis. In some of Lawrence’s stories involving this famous Greek myth, the main characters reflect, or even channel the characters and events from the ancient myth itself, frequently giving the story a strange dark depth and a ritualistic feel—as if the modern characters themselves are unconsciously playing out ancient archetypes within their own psyches. Persephone is daughter of Demeter (god of agriculture) Oone day she is gathering flowers. Pluto (underworld) abducts her, keeping her from her mother. Her mother thenShow MoreRelatedEnglish 1101 Final Exam1464 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿English 1101 Final Exam DUE FRIDAY AUGUST 9, 2013 PLEASE SUBMIT AS A .doc, .docx, or .rtf file. 200 points. Directions:   Answer  each question  in a paragraph—be sure to give specific details and examples.   Remember that each of these questions has multiple parts to it.   You must type your responses out and hand it to me by the end of our class period. 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