Thursday, May 14, 2020

Importance Of Ethics In Different Fields - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1992 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category Business Essay Level High school Tags: Business Ethics Essay Did you like this example? Computer Ethics The field of ethics (or moral philosophy) is the systematization, defense and approval of ideas of appropriate and inappropriate actions. Nowadays, thinkers usually divide ethical ideas into three general matters: metaethics, normative ethics and ethics. Metaethics investigates the historical roots and understanding of our moral principles. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Importance Of Ethics In Different Fields" essay for you Create order Are they social inventions alone? Does it involve more than expressions of our emotions? Metaethical responses to these questions deal with the issues of universal truths, Gods will, the role of reason in ethical and moral decisions, and the meaning of ethical terms. Normative ethics suggests a more realistic task of achieving moral values that regulate positive and negative conduct. This may involve outlining the healthy habits we should develop, the practices we should undertake, or the impacts of our conduct on everyone else. By using the philosophical methods of metaethics and regulatory ethics, dialogues in applied ethics attempt to fix these sensitive issues. The differences between metaethics, regulatory ethics and applied ethics are often blurred. For example, the issue of abortion is an ethical dilemma because it involves a certain sort of controversial conduct. But It often hinges on more general normative values, such as the right to self-government and the right to libert y. If you think that ethics is all about living a more moral and principled life, you have to practice it everywhere, even in the computer field, where you would sooner or later face a software piracy dilemma. When we speak of computer ethics, software piracy reflects pornography, spamming, unauthorized access to someone elses computer and first and foremost hacking in our minds. What then is computer ethics? As with the moral code of conduct in routine matters, computer ethics relates to the behavior of computer professionals and ordinary computer users in computers and the Internet. Computer ethics, also known as the ethics of information technology, addresses the moral and ethical application of computer applications, software and data storage. Computer ethics is becoming increasingly important because of the increasing number of cybercrime issues, including software piracy, unauthorized access, pornography, spamming, target marketing and hacking. The wide scale stature and use of th e World wide web raises a series of challenges such as cybercrime and safety. Some of the prominent advantages of malware, spyware, freeware and web browser cookies are web applications that stimulate discussion of the significance of ethical behavior in advanced technology. Even though incidents of intentionally malicious acts of immoral computer behavior are certainly not lacking, the majority of ethical shortcomings are simply due to the lack of user safety and the lack of organization stature. There are different types of issues in Computer Ethics, the most notable ones are listed below. TYPES OF ISSUES IN COMPUTER ETHICS: Computer Crime: Computer crime is an intellectual crime of white collar. Those who commit these crimes must be sufficiently intelligent to manipulate and access a computer system. An example of computer crime is the use of computers to steal money. The worst thing a thief can do is often that he / she only has the money he / she has stolen. This person is often fired if he / she is an employee, but his / her ability allows a competitor to hire him / her quickly. This makes it almost impossible to prevent computer robbery, as legal action is not often taken against the perpetrator. Another example is unauthorized access to your computer. The perpetrator can steal a companys trade secrets and data by entering an unauthorized computer. Such a crime could be committed by a worker who wants to sell these secrets to a competitor in order to promote his or her own well- being. This offence involves an invasion of property and confidentiality and also impacts the system itself. This crime is part of the pur pose of hacking. Hacking is defined as any computer activity that is not sanctioned or approved by a system or network owner.   Such an activity addresses the ethical dilemma of who possesses information and who should have access to it. Computer science lecturers at many universities have their students demonstrate their serious computer skills in the university system. This creates a serious dilemma for ethics. Since students arent really destructive to the system, can this measure be denounced or acknowledged ethically? Many computer professionals believe that this act is not investigated ethically and that computer science teachers must tackle computer ethics more fervently in their classes. Privacy Another field of computer ethics concerns privacy. The issue of privacy focuses on the most basic functions of the computer, its ability to store, organize and exchange records. A great deal of concern is the amount of information collected by computers. This puts personal information about individuals in a vulnerable position. All this information is available to him or her if someone accesses into a computer system. In this way, offences such as identity theft can occur. In addition, the effect of a minor error can be doubled if stored information can be easily swapped. Such errors can remain indefinitely in the system. Computers are responsible for creating the possibility that incidents in ones life or errors in ones records will deeply affect ones perception and treatment. This effervescence appears to have lost people control over their lives and information about them. Computer- based records do seem to have both good and bad consequences. One good consequence is that the requirement for information of an organization suggests that access to relevant information could improve decision- making and therefore make organizations more useful. This, in turn, gives the individual a positive outcome because better services or savings could be achieved. There are still bad consequences, however. These refer to the fact that Information is used to make individual decisions and such decisions may be based on information that is irrelevant and incorrect. There is no way to ensure that this access to information makes fair use of the authority exercised by organizations. The need for information from an organization and the interests of the individual should therefore be balanced. Ethical responsibility of IT pros Yet another source of concern is the understanding of computer systems by professionals in the computer profession. Computer specialists can act in one of two ways: if it is unknown, assume that case in the public domain until evidence is found that it is not; or suspect that, unless undisclosed or uncertain, information is confidential. It is beneficial for a professional to adopt the second rule because it allows the professional to protect himself against ethical inconsistencies, while the first allows for a greater chance of moral breach. There are numerous reasons why computer professionals complain about this distribution of power. Firstly, growing responsibility on the shoulders of some often tends to lead to the exploitation of others, and this is an ethical dilemma. Computer professionals should be required to use the info they have access to carefully, but some have chosen to use this information recklessly at the cost of others. A professional computers real strength is al so a threat because it is properly centralized. Computers actually allow large amounts of information, as explained above, to be stored in a small area. This centralization was rightly concerned because people argued that there is a constant battle between government and citizens in a free democracy, so that the control and input of citizens can become less and less efficient as law enforcement agencies become more and more strong. Some people fear that their privacy will be compromised if the government has too much influence and power. Those who dont want to see computers in government, but in peoples hands, oppose centralization. This idea of centralization corresponds to the idea that technology helps to distance itself. Alienation is linked to the loss of control in the world you live in. This is clear because computers have taken over jobs that once belonged to people thanks to advances in modern technology. This technology has shifted from computer professionals to the thinki ng of ethical decisions of the business world. IMPORTANCE OF COMPUTER ETHICS Prevents Misuse of Personal Information: Computers, whether individuals or professionals, brought the world closer. Most of us find buying more easy than leaving online. We must provide our personal information, such as name, date of birth and, most importantly, credit card information! If you know that people do not obey computer ethics everywhere, would you feel secure to share all this information? You know that your personal information is not misused in accordance with cyber laws and regulations and computer principles. Prevents Theft of Intellectual Property What does intellectual property actually mean? Well, unlike physical property like home or car, intellectual property refers to the property that the mind creates! The Internet has multiple intellectual properties, such as works by researchers, editors, artists, and so on. Without it, the work produced by the intellect of one individual can easily be copied and used by another. Globalization: Today, computer and technology ethics are rapidly transforming into a wider social and more important profession, which may reasonably be called global information ethics. Social Media and the world – the wide web connects people around the globe. Attempts to establish common ethical standards and attempts have been made to help develop mutually acceptable ethical standards and efforts to encourage and protect moral principles in a truly international sense. Global Cyber business: The world is very close to having technology that can provide electronic privacy and security on the internet. The technology will be sufficient to safely conduct international business transactions. Once it is in place, there will be a rapid growth of cyber business all over the world. Nations who already have a technological infrastructure will enjoy rapid economic growth, leaving everyone behind in the process. Keeps you from being Unethical: You dont have to use computer ethics to prove to the world. However, by adopting this ethics you would know what to do to be a responsible user and avoid unethical issues. Are you disturbed? Well, yes, there are several laws that can put you behind bars if you breach each websites privacy policy and requirements. Computer ethics cannot be imposed on you, your own will and desire must be fulfilled. You and your ethical values talk a lot about how to use your computer to access information. What would you do if you had the password of your friend? Would you ask him or her to change it because you discovered it mistakenly, or would you try to get some information you shouldnt? There are two different types of people in this world, one who follows the rules and respects them, and the others who dont really care. Should you be concerned about ethics to be a responsible citizen? Youre choosing it! However, if you are actually caught, be assured that the authorities wont care about you as well! In the end it can be said that following ethics is important in every field, be it technology or anything else because it provides certain safety measures, its protects people from being used for certain purposes, it helps build relationship between different members of the society. Moreover, it creates a sense of awareness that what is right and what is wrong. In today’s world, the use of technology has increased and people have started using technology to hurt people around them or to bring them down or to make them feel inferior. It’s better to use the resources available to us for a better purpose rather than misusing it and creating chaos in the society. If we make better use of the things available to us, we can all progress well and achieve heights in life that we never imagined. Sometimes we have to think from different perspective, use our imagination and make efforts to achieve something real in life. If we follow computer ethics, we can protect our privacy as well the privacy of others and keep the globe safe from un expected global internet issues.

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